

This Internet site has been developed with the intention of providing information only. Whilst all attempts have been made to maintain accuracy and validity, the practice accepts no responsibility for events arising from use of the information provided. Although the advice for Patients is as comprehensive and accurate as possible, it is only general and should not be used as a substitute for the patient consulting their own doctor.


We cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to this website. We accept no responsibility for any damages arising from the loss of use of this information.


There will be occasions when friends or relatives will contact the practice to find out if a particular patient is at the practice. To preserve patients' confidentiality the practice is unable to inform relatives or friends if a particular patient has an appointment with the doctor or other practice staff. This information can only be given out if the patient clearly informs the reception staff that they authorise them to give this information. You must therefore ensure you inform reception if it is your wish for a particular relative or friend to be informed, and ensure they are given the name of the person and address where appropriate. This will allow reception to establish identity of the person if they should call. Patient health records are maintained on the computer, only authorised staff have access to this information.

Your Rights And Responsibilities

The Practice is dedicated to achieving and maintaining a quality health service to meet the needs of our patients. We provide all our services in a courteous manner. You can help us by:

  • Providing us with any change of address, telephone number or name, so that our records are kept up to date.
  • Arriving promptly for your appointment.
  • Treating our staff politely. We know you are often unwell when you visit us and we do our best to help you.
  • Cancelling any appointment you do not need so that someone else can take your place (if you do not attend and do not cancel we will inform you by letter that we may consider removing you from our list). We are keen not to waste resources.
  • Ordering your repeat prescriptions in plenty of time.

Removal of Patients from the List

    We would remove patients from our list in the following circumstances:

  • Irretrievable breakdown of the doctor-patient relationship.
  • Violence or threatening behavior to any member of the practice staff.
  • Rudeness to any practice staff.
  • Persistent non-attendance without cancelling booked appointments.
  • We will not remove Patients from our list because of:

  • Costly treatment.
  • Patients suffering from any particular clinical condition.
  • Their age.

Zero Tolerance

Violence, verbal, aggression or physical abuse to staff will not be tolerated and could lead to the patient being removed from the list. This Practice actively supports the Zero Tolerance Policy. As responsible employers, the Partners at this practice have a duty to provide a safe and comfortable working environment for all our staff. Any patient who is verbally or physically abusive towards the staff will be immediately removed from the list. Patients who fail to observe this and who are registered with us still have the right to receive medical care and,as such, will be directed to a more appropriate environment.

Note: Any incident that occurs may also be reported to the police for further action.