What is Knowmed ?

“In Today’s Time, you may have only a few minutes to diagnose yourself and start a treatment in case if any health issues arises.” Knowmed is self assessment software is based on medical ground to create awareness of your health status. We can diagnose ourselves from any disease, condition etc on the basis of our symptoms and body reaction.

What are the uses?

By the use of this software we can diagnose diseases or problems present in your body, It also prescribe Medicines related to particular disease, Multiple Treatments & Precautions, Surgerya and Proper Diet etc.

How to use

It has multiple sections like Search by disease, Search by Medicine, Search by Symptoms, Search by Organ etc. By clicking on particular section we can explore everything. This software is user friendly and easy to use.

Is this Reliable?

This Internet site has been developed with the intention of providing information only. Whilst all attempts will be made to maintain accuracy and validity, the practice accepts no responsibility for events arising from use of the information provided. Although the advice for Patients is as comprehensive and accurate as possible, it is only general and should not be used as a substitute for the patient consulting their own doctor.

How many categories are there to seek information?

In total currently there are 17 categories by which we get information accordingly.

How does Search by Ailments works?

Here we get a number of ailments, and we can search for a specific ailment alphabetically. Further we click on specific ailment to get information like its department name with its region. Also by clicking on AILMENT DETAILS we get information like Patient input i.e. (past history, drug history, associated complaints etc), Doctor Input i.e. (various sign & symptoms), its treatment, surgeries, medicine and diet.

How Search by Symptom works?

Here, we get a list of symptoms from where we have to select patient related symptom. Further, by searching selected symptoms we get few results list viz. Most probable ailments, related symptoms, cancer/tumors. By this, we can get a reference of what disease a patient may be going through.


This Internet site has been developed with the intention of providing information only. Whilst all attempts will be made to maintain accuracy and validity, the practice accepts no responsibility for events arising from use of the information provided. Although the advice for patients is as comprehensive and accurate as possible, it is only general and should not be used as a substitute for the patient consulting their own doctor.

What is Search by Tumors?

We get human structure with its various body parts. We further categorize by clicking on specific organ and we get a list of related tumor ailments with its classification and detail.

What is Search by Metabolic Errors?

Here we get list of metabolic diseases which in turn gives us its cycle name, metabolism, test, symptoms, cell location etc.

How does Search by Medicine works?

Here, we get number of medicines, and we can search for a specific medicine alphabetically. Further, we click on specific medicine to get information like its brand name with its strength, its dosing, precaution, side effect, mechanism of action, nutrition therapy etc.

What are Food/Herb and Nutrient/Active Compound Search?

It has different lists of Food/Herb & Nutrient/Active Compound which on further clicking gives its enhancer, inhibitor, contraindications etc

What is Ailment Organ wise?

It works as a Search by Ailment Category as it includes a human body structure.By Clicking on any organ we get a list of ailments associated with that organ.

Medical Terminology?

It is a kind of Medical Dictionary which includes many words used in medical fields to provide meaning of those words.